On the 15th of December 2020, the day-ahead electricity markets of Greece and Italy will be linked together, making another step toward a single European electricity market. 
For the market operators active in Greece could be very useful to access ready to use algorithms and data to simulate the Italian part of the coupling. 
The GME makes available a lot of open data to replicate a single day of the market, including the public offers. Starting from these data is it possible to build much analysis, including short-term price forecast. 
To support such activities, there are ready to use a set of useful tools: 
  • PowerSchedO for Market Analysis to perform short-term price forecasts and other forecasts related to the Italian market. 
  • PowerSchedO for Data Collection to automate the download of the open data published by GME, Terna and ENTSO-E. 
  • PowerSchedO for PCR that replicates the Single Day Ahead Coupling algorithm, reading the offers by GME and performing all sort of analytics, including short-term and mid-term analysis. 

If you need more information feel free to email a request at team@powerschedo.it

Day-Ahead market-coupling between Greece and Italy ultima modifica: 2020-12-03T19:08:39+01:00 da esalsi@mbigroup.it