On board of a High Altitude Balloon

MBI has launched its first HAB with a SAT AIS receiver on board.

The AIS system (Automatic Identification System) is used for tracking ships and other vessels. Signal reception stations are located along the coast and the range of action is quite limited. Special stratospheric balloons can significantly increase the reception of signals transmitted from vessels  


 On 4th July MBI in collaboration with ASI launched a HAB (High Altitude Balloon) with a SAT AIS receiver on board. The balloon reached an altitude of 27.5 km, from which point there was wide visibility along the Tuscan coast. 


The flight

The balloon was launched from Laiatico and landed in Radda in Chianti 3 hours later. An extensive view along the Tuscan coast was possible from the altitude of 27.5 km.

“Increasing the action range for monitoring AIS signals using HAB”

The experiment

The aim of the experiment was to verify the capacity for AIS signal reception

Taking measurements

Members of the Italian Airforce and ASI attended the launch. Data recorded on board the balloon was sent to the Italian Airforce.

Our video

HAB in a glance

Click here for the image detailing the experiment

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Measuring interference using High Altitude Balloons ultima modifica: 2019-07-29T14:09:03+02:00 da esalsi@mbigroup.it