PowerSchedO for Data Collection
Portfolio management
forecast | renewable productions | hedging price volatility | risk management for imbalance
Analyse and forecast the power market dynamics
All these to say that data analysis is one of the main tools that support business growth in term of traded volume and hubs served.
Data Collection
CWE is made of 5 different countries – Austria, Belgium, France, Germany and the Netherlands – and counts up to 9 different TSO.
elia, rte, tiwag, verbund, vkw, enbw, amprion, 50 hertz, tennet
Transparency report
Advanced analytics
Advanced analytics can be performed using many programming languages, providing actionable insights using artificial intelligence and optimization
python, r, matlab, julia
Performing business-intelligence is probably the most used tool to analyse market data: reports, on-line charts, sharing the power markets fundamentals across the company’s departments.
PowerSchedO for data collection is the specific solution designed and developed to help any market analyst to build a bullet-proof database of power markets data. At today, the data sources properly handled are: entso-e, elia, jao, terna, epex-spot, omie, gme.
PowerSchedO for Data Collection is kept always updated in order to follow any market evolution or any changes in data format. Further, other data sources can be added following our customers’ requests.
PowerSchedO for Data Collection is the specific solution designed and developed to help any market analyst to build a bullet-proof database of power markets data
Powerschedo for Data Collection
ultima modifica: 2019-10-02T16:20:02+02:00