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PowerSchedO for PCR 

Optimum solution for forecasting the day-ahead energy market

Forecasting energy prices for the CWE region and IPEX is the most valuable estimation process for both traders and power producers across Europe.

The day-ahead energy market is governed by a set of rules which is controlled by the  Price Coupling of Regions consortium. These rules are replicated by PowerSchedo for PCR to form the basis of advanced scenario analysis and price forecasting.

PowerSchedO for PCR is the comprehensive solution to analyze the day-ahead energy market and measure the effectiveness of new supply strategies.


​​Replicates the Euphemia algorithm to provide highly effective implementation for the CWE  and IPEX markets.


Integrates with the data provided by EPEX SPOT, GME and JAO/CASC: public offers, aggregate curves, network constraints


Comprehensive range of software solutions available: from stand-alone applications to systems for businesses


Optimum solution for the day-ahead energy market. Satisfied customers in both Italy and Germany.


Builds multiple scenarios from aggregate supply and demand curves


Sensitivity analysis to evaluate the stability or volatility of prices

Forecasting empowers

The day-ahead market is the main electricity exchange platform

Traders and producers are the main stakeholders competing for market shares and revenues.
To get the best results, they use secure and innovative tools to forecast prices and evaluate new supply strategies.

Forecasting prices: the features

Seizing the opportunities for cross-border arbitrage; detecting price spikes; quantifying network congestion; measuring price sensitivity of supply and demand. You get all these features in just one tool; no need for re-calibration when situations change.

Market data: from problem to opportunity

Day-ahead market results are based on a huge amount of data provided by power exchanges and TSOs: public offers, aggregate supply and demand curves, network topology and PTDF matrix.

Understanding the present to predict the future

Replicating the Euphemia algorithm

In order to forecast prices and test new bidding strategies, PowerSchedO for PCR replicates the Euphemia algorithm, used by the Price Coupling of Regions consortium. Particular focus was given to maximising efficiency in these specific scenarios: IPEX, CWE, IPEX+FR, CWE+IPEX.

Scenario analysis

Forecasting tomorrow’s prices means creating a set of potential scenarios for the day-ahead market. Each scenario aggregates estimates of energy production, energy consumption and transmission network constraints. PowerSchedO for PCR provides all the necessary tools to create and analyze these scenarios.

Beyond time-series analysis

1st solution for the day-ahead energy market

With PowerSchedO for PCR you will be able to read data from power exchanges and TSOs; build scenarios for price forecast; test new bidding strategies; solve efficiently your scenarios. All these and much more in the best solution that you have ever used.

Small or large: get your best option

Use PowerSchedO for PCR directly on your computer using the stand-alone version: user-friendly; intuitive interface; direct connection with Excel and databases. The server version covers the special needs of large organizations, such as easy integration with any information system and a cluster architecture for high-performance computations.

Choose the best solution for you

PowerSchedO for PCR is now available in two different versions: Gold and Silver. Adopting solutions to  forecast the day-ahead market prices is now more affordable.


  • Implementation of an implicit auction, very similar to the Euphemia model
  • Very low computational time
  • Using heuristic algorithms


  • Accurate replica of the Euphemia model
  • Excellent level of accuracy in capturing price spikes
  • Integer linear programming

We will be happy to provide information about products, services, prices or anything else.
Contact the PowerSchedO team now!

PowerSchedO for PCR – Euphemia algoritm replication ultima modifica: 2017-12-11T13:49:46+01:00 da esalsi@mbigroup.it