Estimate the intensity of the rain starting from a measurement of the level of the signal received from the satellite: this is the objective of the NEFOCAST project, coordinated by MBI, funded by the Tuscany Region and co-financed by the FSC and the MIUR.

Thanks to the information provided by new generation domestic satellite receivers, called Smart LNB (made by MBI and the satellite operator Eutelsat) and to an innovative calculation algorithm developed by the research group of Professor Giannetti of the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Pisa, a real-time map of the precipitation fields can be obtained, the more accurate the higher the number of SmartLNB terminals installed.

“In the coming years, the number of SmartLNB terminals is expected to grow, gradually replacing satellite reception systems now in use in most homes. Therefore, it will be possible in a short time to have a very detailed map of global rainfall status.”


For further informations:

SmartLNB for real time Precipitation Estimates – NEFOCAST ultima modifica: 2017-03-13T13:44:29+01:00 da