The Internet of things

The internet of things is a world of sensors that acquires intelligence by means of detected data and their connection to the network for distribution.

For optimum use, data needs to be transmitted, aggregated and analyzed. MBI provides connectivity systems and services and tools to analyse and manage real-time big data.

HyperCube platform

Both the Internet of Things and large-scale development of applications such as machine-to-machine (M2M) are now possible thanks to Hypercube. This innovative and highly efficient solution has been developed by MBI in partnership with leading satellite operators. Hypercube finally makes it feasible to develop an IP-based satellite network which creates services like 2M using consumer grade type apparatuses, and which can be scaled to include tens of millions of devices.

Machine to Machine: Data Acquisition

Manage supervision, control and data acquisition systems with just one operator. Avoid issues with absence of signal, lack of coverage or discontinuity of connection. MBI offers a geophraphical telecommunications network via satellite with scalable and modular services to easily suit different needs. Just one provider and just one customer service for all different devices.


The terminal is a return-only M2M terminal compliant with E-SSA Air Interface. When coupled with the MBI E-SSA Testbed, high-level applications as well as several test functionalities are available to run end-to-end tests and demonstration in laboratory and in a real scenario using satellites.

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